
25 February 2011

our grand plans

we have all these ideas about life.
we have precise plans and expectations.

but, what happens when  plans we think are immutable, suddenly aren't so certain.

Of course, this shouldn't be news to me, since many of my best laid plans end up in the gutter because God has something far better. (or at least, just different) But, specifically...I'm talking about relationships and marriage. 

Often, as Christians, we have this handy dandy 'life plan' when it comes to relationships. 
We'll Kiss Dating Goodbye and hold out until the perfect, godly young guy comes around. Once that happens, it's the checklist of getting to know each other's families, the parents start treating this young guy like a son. Everything is wonderful, you start holding hands, then he sweetly proposes, you get married a year later, have your first kiss on your wedding day, and then live happily ever after with 5 kids. 

But, that plan isn't perfect. I think sometimes people are pressured into marrying the first person they date. (or court, or whatever you label it. really people, it's very nearly the same thing)

Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not for dating a gazillion guys, but I also think that life cannot be prescribed into a set mold that works for everybody.  Yes, it *would* be nice and sweet to marry your high school sweetheart, or the first guy you're in a relationship with. Yes, I'm sure it would save a lot of heartache. 

But, sometimes we have people all paired up, and we don't think about the possibility of "maybe they're NOT right for each other." I feel like there's a lot of Christian pressure about this. If your "first relationship" doesn't lead to marriage, then you've done something wrong. This is all said, thought and pressured, without the idea being presented that perhaps it's "God's will" for people to learn from experiences, tough as it might be, and then move on with life. 

Only Christ knows the plans He has for us all, we shouldn't pretend that we do and inflict judgement when "our ideas" don't work out. 

Lol, this is definitely a "random ruthie rant" blog post. ;) 


I like "random ruthie rant blog posts" :)

Eh, I totally know what you mean here! I was actually talking to Robyn about that recently. How parents (and *cough* the church *cough* did I say that out loud?) are always trying to keep us from heartache and pain and failures...but is that really Biblical? A broken heart isn't necessarily a good thing, but then, neither is a car accident or spilling grape juice on the carpet. But life is full of mistakes, pain, hardships, etc., and God uses these things in our lives for a reason.

Soooo, there was a Caitlin-rant. Ooops. Didn't mean to clutter up the blog with my random thoughts on this subject, but it has seemed to come up a lot lately... ;)

I was JUST talking about this with someone! Tonight! you...knew...

*ahem* Anywho....

It's true. There's no tried-and-true formula for getting with Mr. Right. It frustrates me when I read literature (by well-meaning people, for sure) who claim that their method is set in stone as God's plan for every person.

Um, did you miss the part where He designed everyone with their own unique story?

Goals are great to have, don't get me wrong, but if you're trying so hard to fit into someone else's formula, couldn't you miss the bigger picture? Ignore the plan God carved out specifically for you?

Again sorry for the rant! But this strikes a chord with me :) Great post! (And great job reading my mind...)