
20 March 2011

super moon + ginger rogers dress

The famed "super moon" was out last night. granted, it wasn't as gigantic as some people had predicted, but it was still quite nice. I dragged myself outside on our deck, backed up nearly into the pool (eek!) in order to get a clear shot.  :)  

ps. this photo is dedicated to Jenn...since she seems to adore pictures of the moon....since she...can't see it herself? ;P 

yesterday was also a wedding! I have mixed feelings about weddings. I'm not a hater or a lover. I love certain parts, but dislike others. I think weddings will get increasingly better once they're "my friends" weddings versus my "parent's friends".   

I ADORE this picture. 
It's kind of a random picture of me to really love, but I do. It's the "how low can you go" part of the Cha Cha Slide....and it's two amazing friends of mine. =] 

I was so happy with the dress I found about 3 days before the wedding. It was $13 at JCPenney, and it's so retro and flowy! Here's another picture where you can see the whole thing. 

It reminds me of something that Ginger Rogers or Vera Ellen would wear, and that just thrills me. 

This week is spring break! 
Hopefully I'll get to all the things that I "didn't have time for" before. 
One of which is brainstorming with Erika on our respective photography pursuits. 
I'm trying to think of a name for my photography. Something to stick on all my photos for now, and then eventually brand myself as an actual legit photographer. 

This is my inspiration board.  (can we say type A personality?)  

My most recent music find / music obsession is the group "Shine Bright Baby". Depending if I can fit it into my schedule, I might see them in concert on April 9. (another part of my newest love of concert photography)  

I also feel the urge to update my blog design...I may just have to do that now.... :) 



Oh, my goodness that dress is sooo gorgeous!

Ohmydearsweetgoodness that dress is amazing! :D Oooh, you look so beautiful, I love the vintageness of it! Looks like a fun time :)

And the moon picture... so pretty!! haha and Jenn should appreciate this. :)

Isn't it though? Ah! That dress makes me so happy. :)

Haha, yes. xD

Here's your comment lovely. :)

Yes yes, although I don't enjoy the insult to my eyesight *ahem*, I do happen to love the moon. Such a cool picture!

As for the looked beautiful and NOW I see what you were trying to explain to me. The skirt looks flowy and awesome. :]

Lastly but not leastly, I love your inspiration board...aaaand your new design is coolio.

Haha!! After I bought it...I was like "I thiiiiiink this is the one that Julianne has!!". I remembered seeing your dress at church and absolutely adoring it. =]