
22 March 2011

good day

today was just dad and I, and it was marvelous! mom is out of town for the day, and so we just did "dad and daughter" things all day.  we re-painted (well, he painted) the kitchen, we got a bunch of cleaning done, went to Wal-Mart and then Pat Catans (I adoore craft stores!), watched Batman Begins and now we're making dinner together. :) hurrah

We have a gazillion cords behind our couch, and so we got a large vase [vaaaah-Z] and arranged dried grass and such in it. It looks lovely and hides all the cords nicely. Of course, the minute I had them all arranged, I dragged it all over to the sliding door to get some nice diffused light, and started shooting. :) 

toats unedited. :) it's rare that I post a completely unedited, whee! 

the rest of these have an artsy blue feel to them. :)

 I got all artsy with this one too. messed with the aperture, and made it a little fuzzy and "painting" like. hehe



Hi Ruthie,
we gave you a blog award at our blog ( ) You can stop by and pick it up. You just copy the award logo/image and paste it on the side of your blog. Make sure to pass it on to other deserving blogs!

Hope you like it,
Elijah K.

oooh love the pictures girl!!! You're so talented, you know that??