
11 May 2011

nearly not 18

four hours left
of being 18.

This past year has been....incredible.
So much has changed. 
I've been completely humbled.
Utterly uplifted. 
I've been brought to tears.
But laughed even more. 

Last Sunday night was the last performance of Little Women. It was a long, tiring, yet wonderful 6 months of rehearsals.  In one respect I'm glad it's over, a feeling of accomplishment and now I have more time to get my massive to-do list done. But also, it's very sad. 

I already knew the "four girls" from before, but seeing them weekly for months on end was such an incredible blessing to get to know them better. Our cast just clicked so well and we all worked so naturally together. These are friendships that will, God willing, last forever. For that...I am very thankful.   

Not only was it great to hang out with all the little "women", but we had two great guys on the cast too. Bravo to them for being outnumbered by MANY women! But, (once they learned their lines...) they were really great onstage, and a blast to hang out with offstage. 

Cast of Little Women 
(from L-R -- Real Names/Characters: Jenn/Amy, Me/Meg, Joe/Laurie, Ben/John, Caitlin/Aunt March, Cassie/Jo, Lauren/Beth) 

A more "natural" shot. 

They pointed out that I laugh...a lot. It's true.....usually within a paragraph of my conversations, I chuckle/giggle at least twice. I suppose that's a good thing though, eh? 

Alright, I've taken enough time away from getting things accomplished...I must go complete homework. :) Alas, my birthday tomorrow will be filled with classes! (but, there's also free starbucks!) 

God has blessed me with so much this year, and I simply cannot wait to see what else He has in store. 

So many things have happened this year, which really proves this verse, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 
   neither are your ways my ways,” 
            declares the LORD. 
 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, 
   so are my ways higher than your ways 
   and my thoughts than your thoughts.  -Isaiah 55:8-9 


Oh how I love you and your giggling and this Little Women thing that brought us together.
I had half price Starbucks today! *happy dance*
Aaand I kinda sorta adore both those pictures. :)

Trade? Since we both really DID comment on each other's similar posts and since they both got deleted by the blogger fail, I comment again, and you go do it to mine too? (cuz our posts are looking lonely and commentless and that makes me saaad)
So anyway, I love you. And your giggling. :)))